Lyrics and Chords Guitar Kasabian - Fire

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Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Kasabian - Fire :

INTRO: C C  A#    C  A#    C  A#


C D# A# C
Take me into the night, cos I'ma need your love,
C D# A# C
Take me into the fight, cos I'ma need your love,
C D# A# C
And I'm on fire,
C D# A# C
I'm on fire.

C A# C A#

C D# A# C
Burn my sweet leather jean, cos I'm a roadrunner,
C D# A# C
Spill my guts on the wheel, I wanna taste a heart,
C D# A# C
And I'm on fire,
C D# A# C
I'm on fire.

CHORUS: (Riff played on second time.)

C F D#
I'm on fire, you go, and I'll kill, I and I'll say that, I did it, but who
A# C
the hell are you?
C F D#
I'm on fire, you go, and I'll kill, I and I'll take it, so pay up, but who
A# C
the hell are you?


C D# A# C
Burn my sweet leather jean, cos I'm a roadrunner,
C D# A# C
Spill my guts on the wheel, I wanna taste a heart,
C D# A# C
And I'm on fire,
C D# A# C
I'm on fire.


C F D#
I'm on fire, you go, and I'll kill, I and I'll say that, I did it, but who
A# C
the hell are you?
C F D#
I'm on fire, you go, and I'll kill, I and I'll take it, so pay up, but who
A# C
the hell are you?



(Synth part.) C F D# A# C X3

C F D# A# C
I'm on fire...


END 1: (With riff.)

C F D# A#
Move on, you got to move on, you got to shake it to the left so you can
shake on,
C F D# A#
Move on, you got to move on, you got to shake it to the left so you can
shake on,

END 2:

C F D# A# C
C F D# A# C

END 3: (With riff.)

C F D# A#
Move on, you got to move on, you got to shake it to the left so you can
shake on,
C F D# A#
Move on, you got to move on, you got to shake it to the left so you can
shake on.
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