Lyric and Chord Guitar SUM 41 - Hell Song

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Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar SUM 41 - Hell Song :

Riff: X3


G D# A# F
Everybody's got their problems Everybody says the same things to you
G D#
It's just a matter of how you solve them
A# F
And knowing how to change the things you've been through
G D# A# F
I feel I've come to realize how fast life can be compromised
G D# A# F repete riff)
Step back to see what's going on I can't believe this happened to you

this happened to you
G D#
It's just a problem that we're faced with am I
A# F
not the only one who hates to stand by
G D#
Complications ended first in this line
A# F
with all this pictures running through my mind
G D# A# F
knowing endless consequences I feel so useless in this
G D# A# F
Get back step back and as for me I can't believe

Chorus X2
G D# A# F
Part of me won't agree cause I don't know if it's for sure
G D# A# F
Suddenly suddenly I don't feel so insecure
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