G5download dan mainkan lagunya Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Superman Is Dead - My Girl Is Pregnant
My girldfriend is pregnant
D#5 F5
I can not believe what have done
My girlfriend is pregnant
D#5 F5
Something’s left inside
It’s happened
My brain is stacking,
G5 D5 D#5 G5 D5 D#5 D5 G5
Got no place to hide
She still arround me
F5 D#5 D5 D#5 D5 G5
Oh no I can’t run
Suicide infront of me
G5 D5 D#5 G5 D5 D#5 D5 G5
So what to do
Remember she loves me
F5 D#5 D5
And it’s make me kind
F5 G5 Fig1
Luck is not on my side
F5 G5 Fig1
I found that I’ve lost my brain
Please help me
Out this blinded mind
A#5 D5
To face reality
Oh no, this is a story
D#5 F5 D#5
This is a story of human life
Marriage, it just the last style
D#5 F5 D#5
It just the last style Of human game
F5 G5 Fig1
Why do I have to run
F5 G5 Fig1
It just a part of a game
F5 G5
Marriage can be more tasty
A#5 D5
And fantasy than suicide
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