Chord Gitar LAGU Muse Hysteria

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Kunci Chord Gitar LAGU Muse Hysteria
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Am               Em
It’s bugging me, grating me
G           F#
Twisting me around
Yeah I’m endlessly
Caving in
G                  F#
And turning inside out
‘Cos I want it now____
I want it know____
Dm                     Am
Give me your heart and your soul
And I’m breaking out____
I’m breaking out____
Dm                     Am
Give me your complete control
(little solo)
Verse 2
Am               Em
It’s holding me, morphing me
G                 F#
And forcing me to strive
Am              Em
To be endlessly cold within
G                F#
And dreaming I’m alive
‘Cos I want it now____
I want it know____
Dm                      Am
Give me your heart and your soul
And I’m breaking out____
I’m breaking out____
Dm                     Am
Give me your complete control
(long solo)
And want you now____
I want you now____
Dm                  Am
I’ll feel my heart implode
And I’m breaking out____
Escaping now____
Dm                Am
Feeling my faith erode
(Outro) download dan mainkan lagunya Chord Gitar LAGU Muse Hysteria
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