Lyric and Chord Guitar Hot Chelle Rae - Bleed

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Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Hot Chelle Rae - Bleed :

Intro: Am    F    C    C    (x2)

Am F C
I feel like I'm drowning in ice water
Am F C
My lips have turned a shade of blue
Am F
I'm frozen with this fear
That you may disappear
Am F C
Before I've given you the truth

Am F C
I bleed my heart out on this paper for you
Am F C
So you can see what I can't say
Am F
I'm dying here (I'm dying here)
'Cause I can't say what I want to
Am F C
I bleed my heart out just for you

Int: Am F C Am F C

Am F C
I've always dreamed about this moment
Am F C
And now it's here and I've turned to stone
Am F
I stand here petrified
As I look you in your eyes
Am F C
My head is ready to explode

Am F C
I bleed my heart out on this paper for you
Am F C
So you can see what I can't say
Am F
I'm dying here (I'm dying here)
'Cause I can't say what I want to
Am F C
I bleed my heart out just for you

And it's all here in
F Am C
Black and white and red
For all the times
F Am G
Those words were never said

Am F C
I bleed my heart out on this paper for you
Am F C
So you can see what I can't say
Am F
I'm dying here (I'm dying here)
'Cause I can't say what I want to
Am F C
I bleed my heart out just for you
Am F C
I bleed my heart out just for you

Outro: Am F C Am F C

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