Lyrics and Chords Guitars Incubus - Adolescent

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Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Incubus - Adolescent :

Intro: C D# G# 4x  

C D# G#
I'm feeling out of bounds, out of bounds
C D# G#
I'm running out of time, out of time
C D# G#
I know there's no such thing as either of them
C D# G#
But its doesn't make me feel any better

Int: Cm G# 4x

Cm G# F
Out of sight, out of mind
Cm G# F
Out of sight, out of mind
Cm G# F G#
We're out of time
Cm G# F
We're out of mind
Out of mind Out of mind

Int: C D# G# 2x

C D# G#
I'm feeling overwhelmed, overwhelmed
C D# G#
It's getting out of line, line, line
C D# G#
I know I'm not alone just adolescents, you and I
C D# G#
It doesn't make me feel any better

int: Cm G# 4x

Cm G# F
Out of sight, out of mind
Cm G# F
Out of sight, out of mind
Cm G# F G#
We're out of time
Cm G# F
We're out of mind
Out of mind Out of mind

Solo: C D# G# 4x
F# C# G# D#m 3x
F# C# G#

Cm G# F
Out of sight, out of mind
Cm G# F
Out of sight, out of mind
Cm G# F G#
We're out of time
Cm G# F
We're out of mind
Out of mind Out of mind
We're out of mind

Outro: F# E
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