Lyric and Chord Guitar Bullet For My Valentine - A Place Where You Belong

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Lyric, Kunci gitar, Chords Guitar, Kord Gitar Bullet For My Valentine - A Place Where You Belong :

[Intro & Verse] Bm7   (D9)   G

Your body’s cold, hope is lost I can’t let go
Can I die with you so we can never grow old
Cut the ties with this note you left behind
As I read the words I hear you telling me why

Bm7 A9
Too late, too late
G A9
I never said goodbye
Bm7 A9
Too late, too late
G A9
Can’t even ask you why
G A9 Bm7
And now I’m wasting away in my own misery
G A9
I hope you’re finally gone to a place where you belong

My sadness shows as your name is carved in stone
Can’t erase the words so the reality grows
I wish I died on that night right by your side
So just kill me now and let the good times roll

Too late, too late
I never said goodbye
Too late, too late
Can’t even ask you why
And now I’m wasting away in my own misery
I hope you’re finally gone to a place where you belong

B5 (D5) G5
Will you wait for me?
Will I see you on the other side?
You won’t have to wait too long

Will you come to me?
Will you take me to the other side?
‘Cause here I don’t belong

[Guitar Solo]

Too late, too late
I never said goodbye
Too late, too late
Can’t even ask you why
And now I’m wasting away in my own misery
I hope you’re finally gone to a place where you belong

I never said goodbye
Can’t even ask you why
(I’m wasting) away in my own misery
I hope you’re finally gone to a place where you belong
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