Lyric and Chord Guitar Scorpions - Holiday

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Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Scorpions - Holiday :

Intro: C#m B7 A 4X
C#m B7 A 2X With Lead

Verse I:
Let me take you far away
B7 G# C#m
You’d like a holiday
Let me take you far away
B7 G# C#m
You’d like a holiday

B7 C#m
Exchange the cold days for the sun
F# G# G#Sus – G#
A good time and fun

Longing for the sun you will come
B7 A
To the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
B7 A C#m
On the island many miles away from home
B7 A
Be welcome on the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
B7 A
On the island without name

Verse II:
Let me take you far away
B7 G# C#m
You’d like a holiday
Let me take you far away
B7 G# C#m
You’d like a holiday

Refrain II:
B7 C#m
Exchange your troubles for some love
F# G# G#Sus – G#
Wherever you are

Chorus II:
Longing for the sun you will come
B7 A
To the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
B7 A C#m
On the island many miles away from home
B7 A
Be welcome on the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
B7 A
On the island without name

Adlib II: C#m B7 A G# 2X

Verse III:
Let me take you far away
B7 G# C#m
You’d like a holiday
Let me take you far away
B7 G# C#m
You’d like a holiday

Refrain III:
B7 C#m
Exchange your troubles for some love
F# G# G#Sus – G#
Wherever you are

Chorus II: Transpose 4 Steps Higher
Longing for the sun you will come
Eb7 C#
To the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
Eb7 C# F
On the island many miles away from home
Eb7 C#
Be welcome on the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
Eb7 C#
On the island without name

Adlib II: C#m B7 A 2X
Ebm C# B
Ebm Fm Gm | F – Eb
C#m B7 A G#

Verse IV:
Let me take you far away
B7 A C#m
You’d like a holiday
Let me take you far away
B7 A C#m
You’d like a holiday

Refrain IV:
B7 C#m
Exchange your troubles for some love
F# G# G#Sus – G#
Wherever you are

Chorus III:
Longing for the sun you will come
B7 A
To the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
B7 A C#m
On the island many miles away from home
B7 A
Be welcome on the island without name
Longing for the sun be welcome
B7 A C#m
On the island without name
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