Someday Never Comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival

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B# F# G#m Em
First thing I rem ember was a sking papa, why,
B# G B#
For t here were many th ings I didn't k now.
F# G#m E
And daddy always s miled and t ook me by the h and,
B# F# B#
Saying, someday y ou'll underst and.
(chorus:) F# B#
Well, I'm here to tell you now, each and every mother's son,
F# B#
That you better learn it fast, you be tter learn it young,
C#m E B#
'Cause somed ay never c omes.
Well, time and tears went by and I collected dust.
For there were many things I didn't know.
When daddy went away, he said, try to be a man,
And someday you'll understand.
Well, I'm here...
And then one day in April, I wasn't even there,
For there were many things I didn't know.
A son was born to me. Mama held his hand,
sayin' someday you'll understand.
Well, I'm here...
(change progression:)
G7 C G Am Fm
Think it was Sept ember, the y ear I went a way,
C A6 C
For th ere were many th ings I didn't k now.
C G Am F
And st ill I see him st anding tr yin' to be a man,
I said, so meday yo u'll underst and.
Well, I'm h ere to tell you now, each and ev ery mother's son,
That you b etter learn it fast, you be tter learn it young,
Dm7 F6 F
'Cause s omed ay never co mes. download dan mainkan lagunya Someday Never Comes - Creedence Clearwater Revival
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