Lirik dan Kunci Gitar Killing Me Inside - Black and White

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Lirik, Kunci gitar, Chords Gitar, Kord Gitar Killing Me Inside - Black and White :

Intro: F C Bb 4x
Dm C Bb C 2x Dm

Dm C Bb
I'm the runner who don't have a track for my run that i never know
C C#m Dm
the colour of my life
that came to me
Bb C-C#m-Dm
and i'm the one who cant feel what the black and white is tasted with you

Dm Bb C 4x

Bb C
but, i can leave anything i want in my life
Dm C
but sometimes i have to howl on

Dm Bb
trust me, just for tonight
and the tommorow will be come
C#m Dm
just for tonight
now,forget the last time
just like when we meet the first time
C#m Dm
in the rainy day

Dm C Bb
now, i walked alone everywhere, anywhere and anytime
C C#m Dm
but my heart still just for you but stop
C Bb C
in my mind in my heart evermore

Dm Bb C 4x

Dm Dm C Bb C 2x

Bb C
but, i can leave anything i want in my life
Dm C
but sometimes i have to howl on

ending: Dm
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